
Our Mission

Making hospitality the career of choice for young people.


Our Mission

To promote the hospitality industry as a career of choice for young people and help them to improve their development and career prospects with financial assistance and support from the Trust.

The hospitality sector is a major contributor to the UK economy, employing 2.9 million people and is the 3rd largest private sector employer in the UK.

The main purpose of the Trust is to make hospitality the career of choice for young people and to encourage and assist them to further their training and development within this fantastic industry.

Our goal is to highlight that a career in hospitality is a meritocracy and that with focus and hard work a very rewarding career is possible for anyone.

We hope that in a modest way The PM Trust is making a difference via our financial assistance and removing some of the barriers for young people between the ages of 16yrs to 24yrs old who are embarking on a career in hospitality.

The PM Trust & Springboard gave me an opportunity to open a new door to a future I could only imagine, pushing me into a role in a kitchen from which I fell in love and had to become a Chef!
— Arron Maddix